Sponsorship Award & Social Commitment

As a medium-sized family business and internationally recognized German brand, our social responsibility is very important to us. This includes not only our commitment to training, but also supporting young people in their school education, cooperating with local associations or sponsoring students from a wide range of disciplines.

Bernard Clemens Award

The Bernard Clemens Award was established in 2012 and is now endowed with €18,000. Every year, we award the prize to the best graduates (m/f/d) of the three Wittlich high schools and the two secondary schools.

Nothing is more important than speaking languages and understanding other cultures and becoming open to immigration, refugees, foreign customs and foreign religions in one’s own country.

Awarding companies

Bernard Clemens Förderpreis

The Bernard Clemens Award is sponsored by the companies CLEMENS Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, ELSEN Holding, VULKANEIFEL Apotheken OHG and SIFATEC GmbH & Co. KG.

The sponsorship award consists of a freely disposable portion of €250 or €500 and an earmarked amount of between €2,000 and €5,000. This money may be used for a stay abroad with a social or professional background, a language trip or a semester abroad. To date, a total of €168,000 has been made available as prize money.

2022 Award winner

Award winners 2022

Best graduation of Cusanus Gymnasium und best graduation of Wittlich: Amelie Schuh
Best graduation of Berufliches Gymnasium: Abas Braimi
Best graduation of Peter-Wust Gymnasium: Laura Weinert
Best graduation of Clara-Viebig Realschule plus: Denisa Sipanu
Best graduation of Kurfürst-Balduin Realschule plus: Deniz Emil Basokur

2021 Award winner

Award winners 2021

Best graduation of Berufliches Gymnasium: Anne Gödert
Best graduation of Cusanus Gymnasium: Sina Corzilius
Best graduation of Peter-Wust Gymnasium: Katharina Lukas
Best graduation of Clara-Viebig Realschule plus: Greta Samoskaité
Best graduation of Clara-Viebig Realschule plus: Jonas Frombach
Best graduation of Kurfürst-Balduin Realschule plus: Marie Müller

2020 Award winner

Award winners 2020

Best graduation of Wittlich and Technischen Gymnasium: Marie Hermanns
Best graduation of Cusanus Gymnasium: Jule Heinzelmann
Best graduation of Peter-Wust Gymnasium: Sophie Falkenburg
Best graduation of Kurfürst-Balduin Realschule plus: Serap Yigit und Zoe Ludwig
Best graduation of Clara-Viebig Realschule plus: Lucian Andonii

2019 Award winner

Award winners 2019

Best graduation of Wittlich and Technischen Gymnasium: Hendrik Alt
Best graduation of Peter-Wust Gymnasium: Madeline Philipsen
Best graduation of Cusanus Gymnasium: Lucas Lautwein
Best graduation of Kurfürst-Balduin Realschule plus: Julian Bäumler
Best graduation of Clara-Viebig Realschule plus: Shiren Ibesh

2018 Award winner

Award winners 2018

Best graduation of Wittlich and Cusanus Gymnasium: Lucas Linden
Best graduation of Peter-Wust Gymnasium: Jaqueline Hansen
Best graduation of Technisches Gymnasium: Matthias Heim
Best graduation of Kurfürst-Balduin Realschule plus: Lucie Weil
Best graduation of Clara-Viebig Realschule plus: Bervian Ersoy und Till Zwang

2017 Award winner

Award winners 2017

Best graduation of Wittlich and Cusanus Gymnasium: Carmen Junk
Best graduation of Peter-Wust Gymnasium: Lena Meyer
Best graduation of Technischen Gymnasium: Maurice Büsching
Best graduation of Kurfürst-Balduin Realschule plus: Samuel Nebgen
Best graduation of Clara-Viebig Realschule plus: Nasi Mahmoudi

2016 Award winner

Award winners 2016

Best graduation of Wittlich and Peter-Wust Gymnasium: Sarah Endres
Best graduation of Cusanus Gymnasium: Stefan Kohlmeyer
Best graduation of Technisches Gymnasium: Annika Loch
Best graduation of Kurfürst-Balduin Realschule plus: Pauline Beyer
Best graduation of Clara-Viebig Realschule plus: Jessica Jobst und Anastasia Schmal

2015 Award winner

Award winners 2015

Best graduation of Wittlich and Technisches Gymnasium: Karl Usinger
Best graduation of Peter-Wust Gymnasium: Hannah Lüders
Best graduation of Cusanus Gymnasium: Catherina Lautwein
Best graduation of Kurfürst-Balduin Realschule plus: Hanna Weber
Best graduation of Clara-Viebig Realschule plus: Florian Heinz

2014 Award winner

Award winners 2014

Best graduation of Wittlich and Peter-Wust Gymnasium: Maria Hademer
Best graduation of Cusanus Gymnasium: Marina Thielen
Best graduation of Technisches Gymnasium: Simeon Gubernator

2013 Award winner

Award winners 2013

Best graduation of Wittlich and Peter-Wust Gymnasiums: Lisa Korsch
Best graduation of  Cusanus Gymnasium: Angela Herrig
Best graduation of Technisches Gymnasium: Jennifer Comes

2012 Award winner

Bernard Clemens Förderpreis

Best graduation of Wittlich and Peter-Wust Gymnasium: Anna Weber
Best graduation of Cusanus Gymnasium: Christoph Mayer
Best graduation of Technisches Gymnasium: Maximilian Ziegler

Sponsoring Partners

We support and promote team sports in local clubs and educational projects that convince us. Get to know our sponsoring partners here.

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.

Henry Ford

Handball HSG Wittlich – 3. Liga

HSG Wittlich

Soccer SV Rot-Weiss Wittlich – Bezirksliga

SV Rot-Weiss Wittlich

Rowing Bernkasteler Ruderverein

To support the Bernkastel rowing club, we made a donation towards the purchase of a rowing boat. In memory of our company founder, the name “Bernard Clemens” was chosen, for whom the support of young people and local clubs was very important throughout his life.

Education Genossenschaftliches Gymnasium Speicher

Genossenschaftliches Gymnasium Speicher

Germany Scholarship Geisenheim University

We support and promote students from a wide range of disciplines at Geisenheim University.

University Geisenheim

Award 2022

Deutschlandstipendium Geisenheim - Preisvergabe 2022

As part of Geisenheim University’s public-private scholarship program, we support students from various fields of study every year. Especially in economically challenging times, we want to make a contribution to more educational justice and support young talents who do voluntary work alongside their studies or successfully follow their path despite hurdles in their curriculum vitae.

Students in all disciplines receive 300 euros per month from the Deutschlandstipendium, regardless of their income, with 150 euros being provided by private sponsors such as companies, foundations and individuals.

CLEMENS Technologies