Made in Germany
Made in Germany
Professional service
Worldwide dealer network
Make your vineyard management more professional thanks to the combination of the latest viticulture technology and smart software solution.
MOOSLE is helping winemakers manage their vineyards by providing a cutting-edge cloud software solution. The software not only simplifies planning and organization, but also serves as a later decision-making aid for strategic decisions. This is achieved through a clear representation of the workflows and the possibility of making certain processes evaluable for the first time.
Thus, MOOSLE’s offer is the perfect complement to the portfolio of CLEMENS Technologies. The combination of services opens up countless new possibilities for winegrowers and orchardists for sustainably successful vineyard management.
Get the digital overview today and start minimizing your costs! You don’t need 100 different systems anymore – MOOSLE is the only vineyard-management system that combines all information.
Your investment in the future – with CLEMENS Technologies and MOOSLE!
CLEMENS Technologies has been producing machinery for fruit and wine production at its plant located in Wittlich, Germany since 1952. With an export share of 80%, the company has established itself as one of the most important manufacturers worldwide and helps winegrowers and fruit growers to economically cultivate their row crops.
With its comprehensive product range, CLEMENS Technologies covers the complete range of fruit and wine growing technology. Starting with mechanical weed control between vines, trees or other row crops, through modern soil and greening management, the range extends to partner products such as frost protection machines.
For CLEMENS Technologies, the elimination of herbicides and the development of sustainable solutions for efficient management of row crops are the driving force behind continuous high-quality new and further developments. This innovative corporate philosophy results in economic and practical solutions for a wide range of challenges in close cooperation with users.
Use 100% from now on! Setup fee – 0 Euro!
Subscription from 14,99 Euro per month!
Price depends on the number of hectares and the desired module.
You only pay for functions that you want your business to use!
Manuel Weber
+49 (0) 6571 929135
More information about the software solution can be found at our partners website